0121-2765936, 2760398, 4034335

Sports And Games

Sports and Games form an integral part of the curriculum. Lessons such as team work, leadership, fairplay and humility learnt on the play field go on a long way towards building good citizens. Students are trained in Yoga, Table Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball and Throw ball to name a few.



Debates, Group Discussions, Dramatics, Recitation, Creative Writing, Publication of school Co-curricular activities,Quarterly News Letters etc.


Performing Art - Dance, Music, Puppet Shows, SPIC MACAY events.

Visual Art - Drawing and Painting, Mask Making, Rangoli, Face Painting, Poster Making, Flower Arrangement etc.


Photography, Collage Making, Power Point Presentation.

0121-2765936, 2760398, 4034335

Dewan Public School
Sector 4,Jagriti Vihar, Meerut


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